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The Heart of Meditation

Mondays in March. 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th.

7.00 - 8.30 pm

This is a 4-week meditation series to feed the heart.

Or rather to feed the whole of us. Biologically speaking, our emotions don’t really reside in our hearts. They live in the neurotransmitters swimming through the fluid chemical soup of our whole bodies.

However, I felt like calling a meditation class “The fluid chemical soup of meditation” might be off-putting for some! So here we are.

Why does this matter? Because this is a meditation class for nourishing the emotional body. And because our emotions live in our bodies, getting in touch with the body, practicing being with the body, can be a profound route to a place of greater balance and ease.

What are we doing?

Over the four weeks we will learn and practice meditation techniques that support emotional resilience.

We will practice simple transformative methods for centering, grounding in the moment, and meeting what is with inner kindness and compassion. When we can develop that kindness/compassion for ourselves, it helps us hold that for others.

Gentle movement exercises will also be included.

Who is this course for?

Maybe life’s been feeling sweet – and also you are curious about how to sustain a contentment that comes from inside, rather than being dependent on external circumstances.

Or maybe the feels have been all over the map, and you want to practice witnessing the waves without drowning in them.

Maybe all of the above or neither or your own particular cocktail of this wild thing called being human.

Either/neither/whatever way… you’re welcome!

Whatever your physical abled or disabledness, whatever your race/gender/love orientation, whatever spiritual or cultural background. Experienced meditators or brand new to it. Options are available for those who are not up for sitting on a cushion.

These practices are derived gratefully from Buddhist tradition and shared in a way designed to be accessible regardless of your belief system.

Spaces in this course are finite, so if you feel the call, you’re encouraged to register.

Investment: $50-80 sliding scale

21 January

Values Workshop

25 September

Group Meditation